Understanding == !Understanding?
Since I'm taking SC1101E and HR2002 tog this sem... seems inevitable tt i'll be doing quite a lot of readings.... talking abt societal changes, psychological behaviours, human-to-human interactions, etc... reading some of the articles do give interesting insights into how and why things are the way they are... but sometimes, it seems to be probing too deeply into the issues tt it starts to be confusing... and disturbing even... hmmm... maybe tt's y some arts students seem to behave weirdly... i think its gd to keep things simple... when complexities start to bring in even greater perplexitiesOn another note, felt kinda relieved when we visited Matt's mum yest... She looks to be in gd spirits... =) .... Was quite some time since i last went to SGH... it never fails to carry tt air of depression, which is quite diff from NUH. Seems to find NUH a more 'Cheery' place. Hospital visits worries pple like us (the wu huangs esp) i guess, make us think of saving money for the 'just-in-case' situations *touch-wood*... sighz... the burdens of adulthood.
Suddenly occur to me tt maybe i shd really come up with a portfolio... can use paintings which i did ages ago? designs for pjts? animation in dtu? drawings for marcus? mm... contrast drawings? Well... really think will be cool to gather all these stuff... might prove to be useful later on...
Tt's beside the pt tt pple might have doubts in me...
Can boost my own ego also... =p
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