New Year Post
For formalities sake, here's wishing everyone a
"Happy New Year!"
Arghh... having headaches and sore throat now.... shucks... must be the polluted air in hk plus yest's super hot sun.... feels dreadful.... sigh....
hk photos coming right up.... =)
Xmas Post
Merry Christmas!
Having a slight headache now.... had some drinks yest at zw's hall last night.... JB, JD, red wine, Heineken, and malboro lights! haha... not exactly a good mix after the Heineken (plus the fact that I'm not a gd drinker).... luckily i managed to get home thks to my bro who came to pick me up.
Thanks for the night guys! Yoshiki rockz!
First to fly...
Whoosh! xz has embarked on the long journey to the west! haha.... first one to go.... GG.... me and merv following closely behind...
had supper the previous nite....

five of us: me, xy, ys, mj, and ty , plus xue, wm, wq, steph n bf, and brios were there to send him off.... hmm honestly speaking.... it really feels wierd when xz says he feels wierd. I wonder what's that bugging wierd feeling about going abroad. Uncertainty maybe?
Anyway, we had a great treat from the jalan kayu prata uncle after dropping ty.... wonderful teh and prata.... serious... the teh is v nice... *grin*
Hmm... anyway, think i should say this....
"Merry Christmas Everyone!!"
这是我几个月来所看的第一部华文电影。觉得还蛮不错的,蛮有创意,看这部戏,有如在观看电影,演唱会,回忆录的交集,简单来说是一部音乐剧。当然这类的戏,总免不了情情爱爱, 有些话,听来也蛮有道理。 这戏描述了现实中的爱情,已经无法是如此的单纯。 现实的压迫,个人的梦想,爱慕虚荣的心理,往往带来了欺骗,背叛,分离,与悲愤。我个人也认同这一点。
孙纳:“你要记得。。。。 最爱你的人,永远是你自己。"
人生如戏 . 每一部戏中, 都有不同的角色, 有的只出现几分钟. 经过导演剪辑, 这些角色可能完全被删除掉. 而你是否已在别人的戏中, 被删除掉了呢?

Din't realise that Denmark is actually quite far from Finland till i checked out the map.
"Danes are to a certain extent reserved..... Maybe it is the northern location of the country, that lets the people seem to be a bit frosty, but if you make the start to go towards the people you will find open-minded, helpful nice people."
Annette Oelert, German exchange student
Where did the money go??
OMG.... In a matter of a few weeks, my bank account has plummeted to its rock bottom... been spending a lot... mostly on preparation for SEP.... bot camera, 2 webcams, external harddisk, plane tickets, visa, winter clothings, etc etc.... and all these add up to damn a lot!!!
When i first did my cost estimation for the trip, I was looking at around 10k in total, not considering other stuff like the pre-trip preparations. But now after doing some of the preparations, I realised that I'm definitely going to exceed my initial estimation.... Sigh.... I really feel damn poor now can.... lol
not forgetting that i have a hk trip on the cards.... hmmm... trying not to worry too much....
Oh.... and one of my SEP mate actually quoted a rather extravagant budget for the euro trip.... omg... he's crazy... and i understand why he could afford it.... blueh... if only i got the DUO.... grhhhh....
The Nua Shoppers
I officially label me and xz the "nua shoppers". The definition of "nua" varies on a case to case basis but when used in shopping terms simply means that the shopper is:
1) indecisive
2) lacks intiative
3) easily coaxed into buying
The last point is really crucial if you were to make your purchases in places like SIM LIM Square, China town, Queensway, or any other private retailers. One must really know how to bargain your way to a reasonable/affordable price!! Which is why sometimes, I think i'd rather go to places like Harvey Norman or Royal Sporting House where the price is fixed. It seems that after so many years of shopping in fixed price conditions, I have lost the ability to survive in the harsh conditions of "greedy and unscrupulous" retailers. I'm not saying that all private retailers are out to cheat people's money but I'm just saying that i feel helpless when i know that i should be bargaining for a cheaper price but i am not.
Oh well, but as xz says, although he knows he can perhaps get prices which are a few dollars or at most 10 to 20 bucks cheaper, he would just settle for the quoted price. It saves the hassle and trouble of having to "play mind games" with the retailers and definitely makes the shopping experience an easier one.
But but of course when we go abroad, i think we die die must bargain as it is known that tourist attractions are out to earn the foreigner's money!! So... the moral of the story is..... if it is not a lot of money, its ok tt we just settle for the price (beats having to walk all ard to look for prices which are 1 or 2 bucks cheaper). But if it is more than just a few bucks.... pls pls BARGAIN your heads off!
I need to find back that Bargaining instinct.... if there ever was any...... =p
Dua Ayam Goreng!?!
After deciding that i can no longer stay at home, I decided to join the guys at JB. Haven't been to JB for quite some time... think it was a year ago that i last went. And I have not been there on a Sunday too. First destination: City Square.
The moment we stepped in, Ping immediately commented that we were in "Orchard". Guess its kinda true since it is a shopping mall jus like any other in singapore, and being a sunday, the entire shopping mall was filled with Singaporeans lar! Boi tahan... u could see and sense that the place majiam 70 per cent were Sporeans.... Hmm.... and even all the shop names were so close to those in Spore.... oh well, we stamped our passports to go to a Spore-like shopping mall... how uncool is that.. lol
Anyway, after some window shopping, which includes walking thru the "cyberxxx" which is an integration of queensway and heerens (sounds like a wierd combi), we decided to head down to Holiday Plaza.
Not much stuff there, except for countless shops selling dvds and vcds, where the "uncles" and "xiao dis" kept calling out any male customers to enter their shops for "nice" shows. Seem to have lost interest in these stuff, esp since we wouldn't have to go all the way down to JB to buy them nowadays. As for the clothes.... eee.... seriously have grown out of the types that were sold there. And i wonder why after so many years, they still have not updated their stock.... hiagz.... perhaps its for the locals ba....
Last stop: Yuan Man hua yuan (hope i remem correctly)
Hawker food, plenty of variety, good hawker ambience(wateva tt means). But but, despite the fact that there were soooo many types of food there... in the end we ate back the same stall that we visited the other time.... good servings, great taste, and most importantly.... cheap. =)

---------The Unstoppable Eater --------------------The Master Finger ---------

--------The 80 Gig Man-------------

And of course the aftermath.... thanks to Mr unstoppable eater....
We finished dinner at ard 7 plus.....went city square to get some secret recipe cakes before getting back to the causeway. In the end.... we waited like 30 mins at the msian checkpoint.... squeezing and sweating in the non-air-conditioned area.... another 30 mins spent on waiting for a bus..... and finally reached kranji at 9 plus..... omg.... i felt so much like swearing while waiting.... its so damn long!!!! mana eh lun!.....
Tiring day.... Great food... horrible transport....
Sunday blues
I usually find that Sunday mornings are times where one can find peace and rest amidst a week of work. But nowadays, with the constant air of displeasure lingering at home, I can hardly find the peace that I'm so used to in the past.
Why do people have so many differences? Why can't they make compromises and look at others' point of view? i have come to conclude that each of us have a right to think and behave in ways which others are not able to comprehend and agree with. On the brighter note, this makes this world more interesting. But then, it can be suffocating at times, especially when they live right under your nose. Now I know why i feel so much like leaving..... despite the fear of a new environment, the very fact that I would be leaving my comfort zone, the fear of not being able to adapt.... I just feel like leaving those things which I have come to detest. Am i escaping from the truth? Or am i merely following my heart...... God knows.....